Well good on you Awoken and good to have you here!
Can you tell us something about yourself and how you got to thinking how you do? Do you think many others share your doubts but don't dare mention it?
i am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, www.jwawoken.com to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Well good on you Awoken and good to have you here!
Can you tell us something about yourself and how you got to thinking how you do? Do you think many others share your doubts but don't dare mention it?
Tight Pants Tony looks as if he had earlier drawn the short straw and been assigned to spend time reading apostate comments to find out what they say.
Not being a masochist, I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing but the beginning was enough for me. His comment right at the start of the clip was that obedience always leads to Big J's blessing, which he delivered with a contradictory facial expression; raising his eyebrows and looking down.
There is some serious conflict going on in either the mind of TPT or the GB generally... which can't be a bad thing. Perhaps TTATT is dawning on them?
one of the things that gave me confidence in life was that i believed i had the almighty creator/god watching over me, directing me, guiding my every step, protecting me from harm, and answering my prayers.
i now know that is not the case anymore.
i finally stopped praying.
It is more charitable to believe the scientific evidence of evolution than to attribute the indifference to suffering, as shown by the hyenas, to a creator god who made his creation eat one another. And don't anyone say there was a perfect world before Adam sinned; we have evidence of Hyena tooth marks on human bones dating back hundreds of thousands of years.
As regards the lack of heavenly help John, it was only an illusion in the first place. JWs are taught DEPENDENCY, in real life we become self reliant which ultimately is more grown up and satisfying.
at the special assembly day (sad) imitate the desert god.. here is a word for word quote from the co during the baptism talk .
"an intellectual approach to the truth will not lead to everlasting life"....
generation x+x=generation why?
already bringing "great tribulation" on watchtower readers.
the watch tower society has got some splane-ing to do.
A wrong foundation year of 607BCE plus Jesus' failure of prophetic fulfillment in "this generation" as he plainly meant: "his OWN generation", leaves us with such an attenuated piece of speculation, it is an exercise as useful as stretching dead dodos. It is as practical as a hippopotamus on tall stilts for as we know the WT paradise and Armageddon are not real things.
generation x+x=generation why?
already bringing "great tribulation" on watchtower readers.
the watch tower society has got some splane-ing to do.
The answer is very easy. When the writers put the words into Jesus' mouth it was meant to be his own generation. Jesus was supposed to be thirty three when he died, about the normal length of a modern generation; between grandparent and grandchild (it would have been shorter back then).
Jesus failed miserably in his prophecy as have all subsequent notions of extending further dates to it. Calculations are a total waste of time when dealing with fairy tales.
Why not do something else instead? Like... enjoy your life!
tradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Caleb in F: critical reasoning demanding evidence and based on evidence
Paradisebeauty: conventional assertions without any evidence
as sometimes happens at elders meetings with the co, he has a letter from the branch to read out.
this rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory.
this visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again.
If they are so concerned with the unequivocal determination of the sexes, why not make beards compulsory for men?
And what about persecuting elder's wives who have moustaches?
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn7teoa9ark.
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn7teoa9ark.
We cannot in good conscience treat as true all the handwritten texts about Jesus, the temptation to slap the name Jesus on the ancient God-man saviour story, was an irresistable urge of the literate clerics at a later time to further their own interests. The illiterate and gullible would never know, they thought...and they still don't.
The Greek word 'chrestus' does not mean Christ as asserted in Perry's extracts. It is the normal title of the God-men such as Dionysus and Orpheus and means simply 'good'. This tradition was later subtly altered by Jesus-cult apologists to the more elevated and familiar word 'christ' probably to assume fulfillment of Hebrew texts.
This getting the words right leads me to a most important point that modern Christianity interprets the past in the light of a glorious divine epiphany in the first century and that any mention of "christian" means a follower of Jesus. This is simply not true.
In the first century the Bible writers hardly knew the name Jesus, and Christianity whatever Paul said, existed for centuries before the idea of Jesus. Christians or Crestians (good men) were very well known to the Roman authorities as a nuisance but these sects and messiahs had nothing to do with later Roman Jesus Christianity which is the channel from which modern Christianity has arisen. So the references to "christians" or "crestus" are not about the imagined sacred and pure origins of the first Jesus cult but the long tradition of pagan holy God-men, some of them threatening the peace in the Roman market place...(as depicted in Life of Brian).